Greater Shearwater Research Links

   Audubon - Greater Shearwater
Photos of Greater Shearwater in flight shearing the ocean surface.
   Birdlife International - Greater Shearwater
Factsheet focuses on range and population, ecology and threats. Shearwater
Greater Shearwater photos.
   Greater Shearwater--Stamps of Tristen da Cunha
Greater Shearwater images on stamps.
   Museum of Zoology--Animal Diversity Web--University of Michigan--Greater Shearwater
Fact sheet and photos.
   Provincetown Coastal Studies--Greater Shearwater
Shearwater comparison.
   US Geological Survey -- Greater Shearwater
Fact sheet and photos.
   Whatbird - Greater Shearwater -- Drawings
Audubon type illustrations and drawings. Includes range map and related birds.

Sea Surface Temperature Imagery/Resources:

Gulf Stream Velocities and Currents: Global Archive (Fleet NAVY)
Quick Global View (Wisconsin)
Gulf Stream--some clouds (Rutgers)
Buoy Data (NOAA)